Ultimate Guide to Dachshund Puppy Crate Training

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Welcome to the ultimate guide to crate training your adorable Dachshund puppy! Crate training is an essential aspect of raising a happy and well-behaved pup. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through everything you need to know to make crate training a success for both you and your Dachshund.

Choosing the Right Crate for Your Dachshund Puppy

  1. **Size considerations**: Dachshunds come in different sizes, so it’s important to choose a crate that allows your pup to stand up, turn around, and lie down comfortably.
  2. **Type of crate**: There are various types of crates available, including wire, plastic, and soft-sided crates. Each has its pros and cons, so choose the one that best suits your Dachshund’s needs.

Preparing the Crate for Your Dachshund Puppy

  1. **Setting up the crate**: Make the crate cozy and inviting by adding a soft blanket or bed. Place toys and treats inside to make it a positive space for your Dachshund.
  2. **Introducing your Dachshund puppy to the crate**: Start by leaving the crate door open and allowing your pup to explore it at their own pace. Gradually introduce them to spending short periods of time inside.

Crate Training Basics

  • **Establishing a routine**: Consistency is key when crate training your Dachshund. Establish a schedule for meals, potty breaks, and crate time to help your pup get into a routine.
  • **Using positive reinforcement**: Reward your Dachshund with treats and praise when they enter the crate willingly. Positive reinforcement helps to create a positive association with the crate.
  • **Handling whining and barking**: It’s common for Dachshund puppies to whine or bark when first crate training. Stay patient and avoid giving in to their demands, as this can reinforce the behavior.

Crate Training Tips and Techniques

  1. **Gradual introduction to longer periods of confinement**: Start with short intervals of crate time and gradually increase the duration as your Dachshund gets more comfortable.
  2. **Using toys and treats**: Toys and treats can help keep your Dachshund entertained while in the crate. Choose interactive toys and delicious treats to make crate time more enjoyable.
  3. **Avoiding punishment**: Never use the crate as a form of punishment. The crate should be a safe space for your Dachshund, not a place of negativity.

Troubleshooting Common Crate Training Problems

  1. **Separation anxiety**: Dachshunds are known for their loyalty and may experience separation anxiety when left alone. Gradually increase the time spent in the crate to help them adjust.
  2. **Accidents in the crate**: If your Dachshund has accidents in the crate, clean it thoroughly and consider modifying their feeding and potty schedule.
  3. **Escape attempts**: Some Dachshunds may try to escape from their crate. Ensure the crate is secure and consider using calming aids or puzzle toys to keep them occupied.

Gradual Transition out of the Crate

  • **Increasing freedom gradually**: Once your Dachshund is comfortable in the crate, start allowing them more freedom around the house. Supervise them closely to prevent any accidents.
  • **Ensuring comfort outside the crate**: Provide your Dachshund with a comfortable bed or play area outside the crate. Make sure they have access to food, water, and toys to keep them entertained.


Crate training your Dachshund puppy may seem challenging at first, but with the right approach and guidance, it can be a rewarding experience for both you and your furry friend. Remember to be patient, consistent, and always use positive reinforcement to help your Dachshund adjust to their crate. Follow the tips and techniques outlined in this guide, and you’ll be well on your way to a well-behaved and happy Dachshund!

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